Americanism Certificates Awarded
Americanism Essay Contest
Each year, the Shenandoah Elks Lodge sponsors a program of the Elks’ Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee, this contest is geared towards students in 6th grade to promote patriotism among young people.
“What the Flag Means to Me”
This is the core theme of our essay contest.
- Eligible participants must be Students enrolled in the 6th grade at the time of the contest.
- Essay length is not to exceed 300 words.
- Essay must be typed or legibly printed in ink. Also, Essay must be submitted as written (or typed) by the entrant.
- Essay must be submitted for judging to the Elks Lodge nearest to the address of the entrant.
- Participant must be identified by name, grade, school attending and sponsoring Elks Lodge on the Essay.
We had outstanding participation this year with one participant placing second at the judging for our Iowa Elks Association state level! Well done, young people!
Pictured are the 2017 6th Grade participants from Shenandoah Community Schools. Lodge members presenting the certificates on Wednesday May 24, 2017 were Roger McQueen, Matt Livingston, Dennis Gates and Lance Cornelious. Not pictured is Robert Iske.