August Food Pantry Needs


411 West Clarinda Avenue  –  Shenandoah, Iowa  51601

Telephone  712-246-3190

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS  –  August 2015

This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for

August 2015 …


  1.   Ramen Noodles
    2.     Macaroni and Cheese
    3.     Spaghetti Sauce
    4.     Brownie, Cake and Muffin Mixes
    5.     Jell-O and Pudding Mixes
    6.     Hamburger and Tuna Helper
    7.     Boxed Potatoes or Potato Flakes
    8.     Sweet Potatoes
    9.     Pineapple
    10.   Toilet Paper

NO MEDICATIONS are accepted!

These are just suggested items for donation.