Shenandoah Lodge Facility Brochure
The Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 has a large accommodating facility, that can be utilized for any gathering! Click on the following link to view our amenities and for further information!
Member Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks
The Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 has a large accommodating facility, that can be utilized for any gathering! Click on the following link to view our amenities and for further information!
411 West Clarinda Avenue – Shenandoah, Iowa 51601
Telephone 712-246-3190
This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for
August 2016
These are just suggested donations!
Click on the August 2016 Newsletter link to view our newsletter!
(NOTE: when printing in black and white, try printing in grayscale for readable print out)
We are still in need of volunteers for Sunday evening at the Lodge from 9 to 11! We can always use help throughout the day as well!
If you can volunteer, give Roger McQueen or the Lodge a call! You can also just show up, but we appreciate a heads up if you can fill in the gaps for the 9 to 11 slot!
Thank you for your support and commitment to “Elks Care – Elks Share”!
The Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 will host a large group of RAGBRAI participants on Sunday July 24, 2016. We will have campers on our East Lawn as well as some on our parking area. These groups will be taking advantage of Food, Beverages and Entertainment that our Lodge will be offering.
The Lodge will have entertainment at the Lodge provided by the Hector Anchando Blues Band from Omaha! Click on the “Hector Anchando” link below to see information about the entertainment!
Hector Anchando WEBLINK
This event is open to Members as well as our Guests! Come on down and volunteer to help and or participate and make some new FRIENDS and enjoy the Food, Beverages, Entertainment and Fellowship!
It will allow us to help show, the well known fact, that Shenandoah Elks Lodge is proud of our hospitality!
The Lodge will host a Grill your own meat Club Friday on Friday July 8, 2016. Members are encouraged to bring your own meat down to the Lodge on Friday night and grill it also it is requested that you bring a potluck item along! There is no charge for this event and ALL members are invited to join us at the Lodge for outstanding food and fellowship as well as COOL beverages! Grilling starts at 6:00pm. SEE YOU THERE!
The Elks will be selling homemade desserts on July 24th for the RAGBRAI riders. We are asking anyone who can help to contact Doug at the Lodge or Julie McQueen at 370-1386. Cookies, brownies, pies, anything that can be put in zip lock bags and sold! Please help us out with this it can be a good money maker for our LODGE !!!
411 West Clarinda Avenue – Shenandoah, Iowa 51601
Telephone 712-246-3190
This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for
July 2016
These are just suggested donations!
Click on the July 2016 Newsletter link to view our newsletter!
(NOTE: when printing in black and white, try printing in grayscale for readable print out)
Brother Don Herdliska was named Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 Elk of the Year 2016! Don is a Past Exalted Ruler and Past Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Don has served our Lodge in outstanding fashion, exemplifying our virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. Congratulations Don on your well deserved recognition. You make us proud to be Elks!