July Food Pantry Needs


411 West Clarinda Avenue  –  Shenandoah, Iowa  51601

Telephone  712-246-3190


This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for

July 2015 …


  1.   Macaroni and cheese
    2.     Jell-O and Pudding Mixes
    3.     Ramen Noodles
    4.     Potato Flakes, Boxed Potatoes, and Stuffing Mix
    5.     Spaghetti Sauce
    6.     Sloppy Joe mix (canned)
    7.     Hamburger, Tuna and Chicken Helper
    8.     Fruit Cocktail
    9.     Granulated Sugar
    10.   Toothbrushes

NO MEDICATIONS are accepted!

These are just suggested items for donation.

Flag Day Ceremony 2015

The schedules and weather cooperated finally for the Shenandoah Elks Lodge to present it’s annual Flag Day ceremony.  Members of Shenandoah Lodge participated in the presentation of the Flag History while parading the various flags from our nations glorious past.  We took the opportunity, during the break between games on our Softball and Baseball fields, to enlighten a large crowd.  Members participating were Dennis DeWild, Roger McQueen, Ed Bonefas, Doug McElroy, Don Nelson, Dave Wiebold, Terry Miller, Charles Hall, Alan Armstrong, Matt Livingston and Robert Iske.


Members of Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 present the Flag Day ceremony to a large crowd at the Shenandoah ball fields.

Members of Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 present the Flag Day ceremony to a large crowd at the Shenandoah ball fields.

Shenandoah Lodge Members attend PTS event in Des Moines!

Pictured from left: Jeff Naslund, Lisa Naslund, State Chairman of the Elks National Veterans Service Gary Barrett, State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister.

Pictured from left: Jeff Naslund, Lisa Naslund, State Chairman of the Elks National Veterans Service Gary Barrett, State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister.

Iowa Elks Association members in attendance. Pictured from left: State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister, State Chairman Elks National Veterans Service, Johnny Wright, State Sergeant at Arms Alan Armstrong andState Chaplain Robert Iske

Iowa Elks Association members in attendance. Pictured from left: State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister, State Chairman Elks National Veterans Service Gary Barrett, Johnny Wright, State Sergeant at Arms Alan Armstrong and State Chaplain Robert Iske.

Iowa Elks Association helps sponsor Operation Engage America


On Saturday June 20, 2015, the Iowa State Capitol, in Des Moines, hosted the second Operation Engage America event.  This was one of only two held nationwide.  The Capitol rotunda was the venue for nearly 300 Veterans and supporters along with more than two dozen resources. Resources available were everything from horse therapy and service dogs to mental health and job services.

Jeff and Lisa Naslund of Galva Iowa has suffered a loss no parent wants to face, the loss of a child. Dillion Naslund served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The depression and the demons from his days of combat followed him home.

Dillion battled with Post Traumatic Stress and tried to do it on his own. In December of 2012 his life ended in suicide.

Following this unimaginable loss, Jeff and Lisa connected with a couple in California that had suffered this same loss and it’s grief. And so Operation Engage America was born.

A very informative field of speakers were present to voice their support and recall experiences they have had with people suffering from PTS.

The keynote speaker was Lisa Naslund who enlightened the group gathered to the enormity of this growing problem. It is reported that 22 people PER DAY end their lives in suicide while suffering from PTS. For more information please go to:  http://operation-engage-america.org/.  The Iowa Elks Association donated $200 to Operation Engage America to help further their work in helping those that suffer from this problem.

Members from the Shenandoah Lodge joined others from the Iowa Elks Association in providing support and encouragement to those present. Members from Shenandoah Lodge that were present were State President Roger McQueen, our Esquire, State Sergeant at Arms Alan Armstrong, our Secretary and State Chaplain Robert Iske, our Chaplain.

Remember to always “Seize the Opportunities”


Lodge Membership Campaign

Click on the following link below to view our NEW membership campaign poster!

We will be planning an event(s) later this year to enhance our efforts in gaining new members!

Remember, why you joined the Elks, and share your enthusiasm to gain

new members for the Lodge!


Have you got your 1?

“Seize the Opportunities”

June Food Pantry Needs


411 West Clarinda Avenue  –  Shenandoah, Iowa  51601

Telephone  712-246-3190


This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for

June 2015 …


  1.   Macaroni and cheese
    2.     Spaghetti sauce
    3.     Tuna helper
    4.     Sloppy Joe mix (canned)
    5.     Stuffing mix
    6.     Spaghetti-O’s
    7.     Muffin, cake, and brownie mixes
    8.     Vegetable or fruit juice
    9.     Toothbrushes
    10.   Deodorant

NO MEDICATIONS are accepted!

These are just suggested items for donation.

2014 – 2015 Lodge Awards Announced!

At the monthly Couples Night, the Lodge announced Citizen of the Year, Elk of the Year and Officer of the Year.  A large crowd was present to enjoy the meal and fellowship as well as witness the announcement of the Lodge awards. These awards are presented each year to deserving individuals that go above and beyond, not only in regards to Elkdom but also in service to others!  Citizen of the Year was awarded to Matthew Volker, Elk of the Year was awarded to Tom Brodersen and Officer of the Year was awarded to Robert Iske! Congratulations to these recipients!


Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Matthew Volker and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Matthew Volker and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Tom Brodersen and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Tom Brodersen and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Robert Iske and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Robert Iske and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Matthew Volker, award recipient Tom Brodersen, award recipient Robert Iske and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Matthew Volker, award recipient Tom Brodersen, award recipient Robert Iske and State President Roger McQueen



2014 – 2015 Lodge Essay Awards Announced!

At our monthly Couples Night, the Lodge awarded the Essay Contest winner awards.  This year David Rendon and Jessica Hammers were the recipients of the well deserved rewards!  They both wrote essays about our national flag!  The crowd appreciated them reading their essays and erupted in applause following their reading.  Congratulations to these recipients!

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild presents Jessica Hammers with a certificate and flag in recognition of her accomplishment.

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild presents Jessica Hammers with a certificate and flag in recognition of her accomplishment.

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild presents David Rendon with a certificate and flag in recognition of his accomplishment.

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild presents David Rendon with a certificate and flag in recognition of his accomplishment.

State President Roger McQueen, award recipient David Rendon, award recipient Jessica Hammers and Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild

State President Roger McQueen, award recipient David Rendon, award recipient Jessica Hammers and Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild


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