Lodge Schedule UPDATE

Due to current Covid restrictions, we will not have the memorial service this Sunday, December 6th. We are hoping to reschedule for after the first of the year. 

Also, with the restrictions that we have in place at the Lodge, the lodge will not host any card playing until a later date. 
Thank you!

Kelly McQueen, Exalted Ruler

October 2020 Food Pantry Needs


1209 5th Avenue – Shenandoah, Iowa 51601
Telephone 712-246-3190

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS – October 2020

This is a List of suggested items needed for

October 2020

  1. Macaroni & Cheese
  2. Spaghetti sauce
  3. Ramen noodles
  4. Stuffing mix
  5. Chicken noodle and tomato soup
  6. Green beans and corn
  7. Chicken Helper
  8. Chunky style, chili
  9. Spaghetti-O’s (canned)
  10. Toilet paper

The Community Food Pantry is in need of paper bags.

We are looking for volunteers to help with our Feeding America program – Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:00-1:30.


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