2014 – 2015 Lodge Awards Announced!

At the monthly Couples Night, the Lodge announced Citizen of the Year, Elk of the Year and Officer of the Year. A large crowd was present to enjoy the meal and fellowship as well as witness the announcement of the Lodge awards. These awards are presented each year to deserving individuals that go above and beyond, not only in regards to Elkdom but also in service to others! Citizen of the Year was awarded to Matthew Volker, Elk of the Year was awarded to Tom Brodersen and Officer of the Year was awarded to Robert Iske! Congratulations to these recipients!

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Matthew Volker and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Tom Brodersen and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Robert Iske and State President Roger McQueen

Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild, Past Exalted Ruler Charles Hall, award recipient Matthew Volker, award recipient Tom Brodersen, award recipient Robert Iske and State President Roger McQueen