At the Elks National Convention held in Austin, Texas from June 28 to July 3, Roger McQueen, Past Iowa State President and Shenandoah, Iowa Lodge #1122 member, was appointed to the Grand Lodge Activities Committee. He will cover Area 5, which includes Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, for the committee. He will be the Coordinator for the Public Safety Medal of Valor and Medal of Service Awards programs. He will also be serving as Assistant Coordinator for the Scouting Program. Grand Exalted Ruler Douglas Schaefer officially made the appointment on Wednesday, July 3 in Austin.
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our Brother Marlin Green
“Farewell our Brother and Friend. We will miss you keenly in our councils and our gatherings. May the Great Author and Giver of Life grant unto you light and peace in the world beyond”
Obituary and Service Information Pending at Nishna Valley Funeral and Cremation Service in Shenandoah.
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our Brother Joel Bashaw
“Farewell our Brother and Friend. We will miss you keenly in our councils and our gatherings. May the Great Author and Giver of Life grant unto you light and peace in the world beyond”