Members meet the new Grand Exalted Ruler

Members of Shenandoah Lodge #1122 and others from the Iowa Elks Association had the opportunity to visit with the new Grand Exalted Ruler.
Ronald L. Hicks from Fredericksburg Virginia Lodge #875 was installed as our new Grand Exalted Ruler at the 151st annual convention held in Indianapolis Indiana.

Pictured from left: Tom Maher Past State President from Ottumwa Lodge #347, Ralph Buster Special Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler from Davenport Lodge #298, Roger McQueen State President from Shenandoah Lodge #1122, Ronald L. Hicks Grand Exalted Ruler from Fredericksburg Virginia Lodge #875, Marcia Shults Exalted Ruler from Grinnell Lodge #1266, Dennis DeWild Exalted Ruler from Shenandoah Lodge #1122 and Robert Iske State Chaplain from Shenandoah Lodge #1122.