wELKome to our newest Members
We are happy to present our newest Members from left: Dr. Timothy Smith and Lynda Dickerson.

Member Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks
We are happy to present our newest Members from left: Dr. Timothy Smith and Lynda Dickerson.
Mayor Dick Hunt signs Youth Week proclamation designating the first week of May as Youth Week in Shenandoah. Each year the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks recognize Youth to bring focus on the many programs and events the Elks engage in for our local Youth. Some of those include:
Essay Contest centered around “What the Flag Means to Me”.
Boy Scouts included in our annual Flag Day Ceremony
Youth Summer Camp sponsorship
Youth Sport Banquets
Scholarship Awards from local, state and Grand Lodge
Support for Youth Sport activities
Annual Elks Hoop Shoot competition
Drug Awareness Program
Distribute Dictionaries to area schools for third graders
Support for the Variety Club of Iowa dedicated to improving the lives of children who are at-risk, underprivileged, critically ill or living with special needs.
At the recent Spring Convention of the Iowa Elks Association, Shenandoah was recognized for their per member cumulative donations! Shenandoah led the state lodges with $24.82 per member average when averaging total donations attributed to our Lodge. Shenandoah contributed $7,222.92 and received $10,500 in grants through the Elks National Foundation. Roger McQueen is our Lodge Chairman, and leads the Lodge with various fund raising activities throughout the year.
Pictured Robert Iske Iowa Elks Association ENF Chairman, Roger McQueen Past State President, and Matt Livingston Exalted Ruler.
At the recent Spring Convention of the Iowa Elks Association Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 received the State Lodge of the Year award. Shenandoah won the award through their efforts in support of State and Grand Lodge activities. The Shenandoah Lodge is a leader within the Iowa Elks Association their are 30 Lodges that make up the association. Additionally, Shenandoah was awarded the District Lodge of the year. Their are 8 Lodges within the Southwest District of the Iowa Elks Association.
1209 5th Avenue – Shenandoah, Iowa 51601
Telephone 712-246-3190
This is a List of suggested items needed for
May 2019
Click on the April 2019 Newsletter link to view our newsletter!
(NOTE: when printing in black and white, try printing in grayscale for readable print out)
1209 5th Avenue – Shenandoah, Iowa 51601
Telephone 712-246-3190
This is a List of suggested items needed for
March 2019
Click on the March 2019 Newsletter link to view our newsletter!
(NOTE: when printing in black and white, try printing in grayscale for readable print out)
Click on the February 2019 Newsletter link to view our newsletter!
(NOTE: when printing in black and white, try printing in grayscale for readable print out)
Volunteers Needed for our monthly Chicken Buffet for Sunday February 3, 2019! Please contact Roger at 712-246-3313! Thank you members for your support!