Congratulations, Vaughn Livingston, Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 Elk of the Year!
The Lodges celebration of 150 years of Elkdom was the setting, for the awarding of 2017 – 2018 Elk of the Year to local member and businessman Vaughn Livingston. The award was presented to Vaughn, by his son Matt Livingston PER. Matt served as the Exalted Ruler for the Lodge year 2017 – 2018.
Vaughn, a longtime businessman in Shenandoah and 36 year member.
Vaughn moved to Shenandoah many years ago, with the idea he would stay a few years and move on. He fell in love with the community and decided to stay and raise his family. He has been very active within our local Lodge, serving on numerous committees as well as the Board of Trustees. He volunteers whenever help is needed, and supports projects financially where we need it. Vaughn is very active within the community, so he is invaluable in recognizing projects and opportunities to utilize the monies available through grants from the Elks National Foundation.

Pictured: Vaughn Livingston.