Elks support Shenandoah Food Pantry!

On Wednesday March 30, 2016 members of Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 presented the Shenandoah Food Pantry with a check for $2,500 through the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant program.
Valley News
Gratitude Grants offer an opportunity for Elks to think about how best to serve their community and make it stronger. Gratitude Grants are the ENF’s way of saying thank you to every Lodge that meets the National President’s per-member goal for giving to the ENF. The possibilities are endless!

Gratitude Grants can be used to support local, charitable activities. Lodges use Gratitude Grants to do things like buy supplies for a homeless shelter, partner with D.A.R.E. to hold drug awareness programs in schools, or hold recreational events for people with disabilities.

The Shenandoah Elks Lodge, is a proud partner of the Shenandoah Food Pantry.  Posting current needs for the food pantry monthly on their website and Facebook pages.

Also, recently several local members volunteered to help collect donations at the local WalMart and transport to the pantry.  They assisted in putting the donations away as well as recycling containers!

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Announcing the death of a Member!

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our Member, PSP Don “Hoot” Gibson.

 Iowa Elks1

“Farewell our Brother and Friend. We will miss you keenly in our councils and our gatherings. May the Great Author and Giver of Life grant unto you light and peace in the world beyond”


”The faults of our Members we write upon the sand, their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory.”


Funeral information link below:



Members Attendance Needed for Photo Opportunity

The Community Food Pantry quarterly Board Meeting is Wednesday, March 30, 4:30 p.m., at the Food Pantry.

Representatives from the Shenandoah Elks are requested to attend at 4:30 for a donation presentation and photo op.  Members are ask to wear their blues and greys with ties, if you have them!

This presentation is from our approved Grant application in support of this very worthwhile community resource!

Please let Alan know if you will be able to attend!

Your support is GREATLY appreciated!

Calling ALL Elks!

Monday March 21st, we are needed to help with the Feeding America Program that is a part of the Community Food Pantry.

We need at least 6 volunteers and at least one pickup truck to help with this.

Volunteers need to meet at the Community Food Pantry in the Alley behind the Baptist Church at 12:50 pm.  Normally the loading and unloading takes no more than 90 minutes.

Please send Alan a note if you can help so he can pass on the list to Jeannine.


March 2016 Food Pantry Needs


411 West Clarinda Avenue  –  Shenandoah, Iowa  51601

Telephone  712-246-3190

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS  –  March 2016

This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for

March 2016


  1. Peas
  2. Beans – Kidney, Chili, Pinto, Northern
  3. Spaghetti O’s
  4. Hamburger or Tuna Helper
  5. Stuffing Mix
  6. Microwave Popcorn
  7. Spaghetti Sauce
  8. Sloppy Joe Mix (canned)
  9. Shampoo
  10. Kleenex


These are just suggested donations!

Community Event at the Lodge!

The premier band group, Taxi Driver from Omaha Nebraska area will

present a FREE concert event at the Lodge on Saturday March 26, 2016!  Cocktail hour will start at 7:00pm and the music will start at 8:00pm!  This event is open to the public and EVERYONE is WELCOME!  Invite your friends and enjoy “World Class” entertainment for the evening!

Taxi Driver

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