The Glass Ceiling is BROKEN!

A milestone event occurred for the Shenandoah Elks Lodge on Sunday October 18, 2015.  The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks have welcomed female members into membership since the mid 1990’s.  At a special Initiation for six new members, the Shenandoah Lodges’ first female Initiate was welcomed into our Lodge.  The acting Exalted Ruler Roger McQueen, President of the Iowa Elks Association, presided over the ceremony.  Roger had the honor and privilege of Initiating his daughter, Kelly, into the Shenandoah Elks Lodge.  Kelly joins our Lodge as a FIFTH generation member of the Elks.  WELCOME KELLY!


Welcome NEW Members to Shenandoah Elks Lodge

Shenandoah Elks Lodge held a special initiation on Sunday Afternoon October 28, 2015.  This special initiation welcomed 6 new members to our Order.  Included in this event, was an invitation for family, friends and interested potential members to join us to learn more about the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  Following the Initiation, a meet and greet with members was held that included a pizza party.  Members and guests enjoyed this new format and those in attendance expressed their appreciation for this event.

Welcome to the following:

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8th Annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner Held

The Shenandoah Elks Lodge held their annual Veteran Appreciation Dinner on Monday October 12, 2015. The Elks were proud to welcome 72 of our local Veterans and provided them with a free meal. There were an additional 82 family members and supporters that enjoyed the meal as well. The meal was put together by our own Chef Alan Armstrong. The event opened with a welcome from the Lodge Lecturing Knight, Doug Meyer chairman of the event. A prayer from Lodge Chaplain Robert Iske was given, then the meal was served. Following the meal, Doug introduced our key speaker Gail Ernst, CSM (RET).

Gail retired 1 October 2001 after serving 28 years on active duty with the U.S. Army. His assignments included: Mechanized Infantry at Ft Carson, Colorado; Light Infantry in Hawaii, Recon Platoon in Panama; Ranger units, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and 75th Ranger Regimental Headquarters; Brigade CSM for Army Central Command, Saudi Arabia (ARCENT-SA). He served 16 months in hostile fire areas to include: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar (14 months) and Haiti (60 days). Gail served in every leadership position from Infantry Team Leader thru Brigade Command Sergeant Major (CSM). He was a Ranger Instructor, Drill Sergeant, and Operations Sergeant Major.

His awards and decorations include: Legion of Merit, Order of Saint Maurice Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (5th Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Commendation Medal (3rd Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Achievement Medal (2nd Oak Leaf Cluster), Good Conduct Award (9th Award), National Defense Service Medal (with Bronze Star), Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 4), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 3), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Ranger Tab, Master Parachute Wings, Pathfinder Torch, Air Assault Wings, Expert Infantry Badge, Expert Rifleman’s Badge, Drill Sergeant Badge, Canadian Jump Wings, and German Jump Wings.

The Veterans in attendance enjoyed sharing their memories of the service that they provided to ensure our Safety, Freedom and Liberties. Those in attendance ranged from service in World War II, to service in our current engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iowa Elks Association President, Roger McQueen closed the event with expressing thanks to all who attended. He thanked our Veterans for their service, and acquainted the group of the ongoing commitment of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks to always remember them. Roger mentioned the Elks “Deer Hide” program. The program provides tanned deer hides to Veterans in care facilities for them to use to create many different items that are sold in various locations.

The Elks National Veterans Service Commission was established in 1946, immediately after World War II, with the sole mission of serving our nation’s veterans. Though much has changed since then, the Elks’ dedication to serve veterans and military members in need has never wavered. In VA clinics, veterans’ homes, USOs, homeless shelters and more, thousands of Elks volunteers give generously of their time, energy and resources to serve veterans and military members each year.

The Elks are committed to their mission, “So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.” The Veterans Service Commission takes that pledge one step further, and promises service to our nation’s veterans and military members, with a special focus on service to those in need.

As the needs of today’s veterans changed, so have the Elks’ programs. Today, the Elks National Veterans Service Commission has many exciting programs and partnerships catering to veterans and military members and their families.


Pictured is Gail Ernst, CSM (RET) speaking to the large group gathered for the 8th annual Shenandoah Elks Lodge Veterans Appreciation dinner.




Pictured are from left: Lodge Loyal Knight Matt Livingston, Lodge Lecturing Knight Doug Meyer, Gail Ernst, CSM (RET), Lodge Leading Knight Marv Feller and State President Iowa Elks Association Roger McQueen.

Special Initiation Welcoming New Members and Guests!

Considering becoming a Member, do you wonder what the Elks are all about? We are holding a special initiation of new Members, on Sunday October 18, 2015 at 4:00pm. Members and Guests are welcome to attend this event!  We welcome anyone who wants to learn more about the Elks, no pressure, just an informative good time!  We will have a pizza Meet and Greet following to answer any questions that Members and Guests may have.  Members can attend and reconnect learning more about the programs and services that the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks are involved in. We hope you will join us Sunday October 18, 2015 starting at 4:00pm at the Lodge.

Elk Initiation

Shenandoah Lodge supports “Blue Line Across Shenandoah”

The Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 is teaming up with Doug Meyer Chevrolet and Miller Building Supply to help Shenandoah residents show support for our local Police Department. Residents can call Doug Meyer Chevrolet at: 712-246-1014 to register. Following registration then members of the Shenandoah Elks Lodge will come out to your residence/business and apply the “Thin Blue Line” on your curb. The paint is fluorescent, which will shine when illuminated by headlights, and is supplied by Miller Building Supply. Find the link below to the news article that is posted in the Saturday October 3 issue of the Valley News Today!

Valley News Article

Blue Line 2

Numerous volunteers in the Shenandoah community are working together to make the “Blue Line Across Shenandoah Project” a reality. Pictured are, front row, from left, SPD Officer Macy Mather, Elks Lodge members, Dennis Dewild, Marv Feller, and Robert Iske. Back row, from left Police Chief Kris Grebert, Elks members Lance Cornelius, Charles Hall, Doug Meyer, and Doug McElroy.

October Food Pantry Needs


411 West Clarinda Avenue  –  Shenandoah, Iowa  51601

Telephone  712-246-3190

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS  –  October 2015

This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for

October 2015 …

  1. Ramen noodles
    2.   Spaghetti sauce
    3.   Muffin, cake and brownie mixes
    4.   Potato flakes, boxed potatoes, stuffing mix
    5.   Sweet potatoes
    6.   Fruit cocktail
    7.   Macaroni and cheese
    8.   Jell-O and pudding mixes
    9.   Microwave popcorn
    10. Bar soap
These are just suggested donations!
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