Announcing the death of our Brother, Jim Whitehill

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our Brother, Jim Whitehill.

“Farewell our Brother and Friend. We will miss you keenly in our councils and our gatherings. May the Great Author and Giver of Life grant unto you light and peace in the world beyond”

The services are pending at this time.  We will post the information when it is available.


Elks Recognize Local Eagle Scout

Members of Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 presented Austin Perrin. Eagle Scout from Pack #218 of Shenandoah with a Certificate in recognition of his accomplishment.  Austin put in over 52 months of leadership as well as developing a project that lead to the construction of a gazebo in a local park.

The Eagle Scout program recognizes the development of our young men into the skill sets and leadership roles to go on and achieve success.

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is a proud supporter in this endeavor.  State President of the Iowa Elks Association, Roger McQueen spoke to the large crowd of the commitment of support from the State and National level.  Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild expressed the local Lodge’s support and presented Austin with a Flag and his certificate of recognition.

Iowa Elks Association President Roger McQueen addresses the large crowd gathered to honor Austin Perrin.

Iowa Elks Association President Roger McQueen addresses the large crowd gathered to honor Austin Perrin.

Dennis DeWild presents Austin Perrin with a Flag and Certificate of Recognition from the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks as Roger McQueen looks on.

Dennis DeWild presents Austin Perrin with a Flag and Certificate of Recognition from the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks as Roger McQueen looks on.

Pictured from left: Dennis DeWild Exalted Ruler, Austin Perrin Eagle Scout and Roger McQueen State President Iowa Elks Association.

Pictured from left: Dennis DeWild Exalted Ruler, Austin Perrin Eagle Scout and Roger McQueen State President Iowa Elks Association.

Members meet the new Grand Exalted Ruler

Members of Shenandoah Lodge #1122 and others from the Iowa Elks Association had the opportunity to visit with the new Grand Exalted Ruler.

Ronald L. Hicks from Fredericksburg Virginia Lodge #875 was installed as our new Grand Exalted Ruler at the 151st annual convention held in Indianapolis Indiana.

Pictured from left: Tom Maher Past State President from Ottumwa Lodge #347, Ralph Buster Special Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler from Davenport Lodge #298, Roger McQueen State President from Shenandoah Lodge #1122, Ronald L. Hicks Grand Exalted Ruler from Fredericksburg Virginia Lodge #875, Marcia Shults Exalted Ruler from Grinnell Lodge #1266, Dennis DeWild Exalted Ruler from Shenandoah Lodge #1122 and Robert Iske State Chaplain from Shenandoah Lodge #1122.

Pictured from left: Tom Maher Past State President from Ottumwa Lodge #347, Ralph Buster Special Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler from Davenport Lodge #298, Roger McQueen State President from Shenandoah Lodge #1122, Ronald L. Hicks Grand Exalted Ruler from Fredericksburg Virginia Lodge #875, Marcia Shults Exalted Ruler from Grinnell Lodge #1266, Dennis DeWild Exalted Ruler from Shenandoah Lodge #1122 and Robert Iske         State Chaplain from Shenandoah Lodge #1122.





Members Attend Grand Lodge Convention 2015

Members of Shenandoah Lodge were among the Iowa delegation that attended the 151st annual Grand Lodge convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Those in attendance from Shenandoah Lodge were Exalted Ruler Dennis DeWild and Becky, Secretary Alan Armstrong and LuAnn, Esquire (State President) Roger McQueen and Julie and Chaplain Robert Iske and Sally.

There was a focus on the turnaround in our membership and the need to “get the word out” on our activities and contributions to our communities! Public relations and the use of social media and websites will enhance our opportunities to “tell the story”! We use our website as well as Facebook to inform members and potential members of our activities and needs that we are aware of in the community.

The delegation from the Iowa Elks Association accepted a challenge to make a $130 contribution to the restoration fund for the Elks Memorial building in Chicago. The members present raised $350, one of the highest raised in the challenge.

Our Iowa Hospitality room had a fund raising cup for contributions to ENF. Roger McQueen challenged those present that he would match the funds raised. The members present accepted the challenge and Roger will match $400 for a total of $800 contributed to the ENF fund on behalf of the Iowa Elks Association.

The Grand Lodge officers were installed on Thursday morning our Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald L. Hicks as well as our District Deputy to the Grand Exalted Ruler Blade Martwick were among those installed.

The Grand Exalted Rulers theme for this year will be: “Elks Pride – Community Focus”

Always remember to: “Seize the Opportunities”

Shenandoah Lodge Members were amount the large delegation from Iowa in attendance at the Grand Lodge Convention 2015 in Indianapolis Indiana.

Shenandoah Lodge Members were amount the large delegation from Iowa in attendance at the Grand Lodge Convention 2015 in Indianapolis Indiana.

There are additional photos posted in a folder on the “Photos” page of this website.

July Food Pantry Needs


411 West Clarinda Avenue  –  Shenandoah, Iowa  51601

Telephone  712-246-3190


This is a Top 10 List of suggested items needed for

July 2015 …


  1.   Macaroni and cheese
    2.     Jell-O and Pudding Mixes
    3.     Ramen Noodles
    4.     Potato Flakes, Boxed Potatoes, and Stuffing Mix
    5.     Spaghetti Sauce
    6.     Sloppy Joe mix (canned)
    7.     Hamburger, Tuna and Chicken Helper
    8.     Fruit Cocktail
    9.     Granulated Sugar
    10.   Toothbrushes

NO MEDICATIONS are accepted!

These are just suggested items for donation.

Flag Day Ceremony 2015

The schedules and weather cooperated finally for the Shenandoah Elks Lodge to present it’s annual Flag Day ceremony.  Members of Shenandoah Lodge participated in the presentation of the Flag History while parading the various flags from our nations glorious past.  We took the opportunity, during the break between games on our Softball and Baseball fields, to enlighten a large crowd.  Members participating were Dennis DeWild, Roger McQueen, Ed Bonefas, Doug McElroy, Don Nelson, Dave Wiebold, Terry Miller, Charles Hall, Alan Armstrong, Matt Livingston and Robert Iske.


Members of Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 present the Flag Day ceremony to a large crowd at the Shenandoah ball fields.

Members of Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 present the Flag Day ceremony to a large crowd at the Shenandoah ball fields.

Shenandoah Lodge Members attend PTS event in Des Moines!

Pictured from left: Jeff Naslund, Lisa Naslund, State Chairman of the Elks National Veterans Service Gary Barrett, State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister.

Pictured from left: Jeff Naslund, Lisa Naslund, State Chairman of the Elks National Veterans Service Gary Barrett, State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister.

Iowa Elks Association members in attendance. Pictured from left: State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister, State Chairman Elks National Veterans Service, Johnny Wright, State Sergeant at Arms Alan Armstrong andState Chaplain Robert Iske

Iowa Elks Association members in attendance. Pictured from left: State President Roger McQueen, Past State President Les Fister, State Chairman Elks National Veterans Service Gary Barrett, Johnny Wright, State Sergeant at Arms Alan Armstrong and State Chaplain Robert Iske.

Iowa Elks Association helps sponsor Operation Engage America


On Saturday June 20, 2015, the Iowa State Capitol, in Des Moines, hosted the second Operation Engage America event.  This was one of only two held nationwide.  The Capitol rotunda was the venue for nearly 300 Veterans and supporters along with more than two dozen resources. Resources available were everything from horse therapy and service dogs to mental health and job services.

Jeff and Lisa Naslund of Galva Iowa has suffered a loss no parent wants to face, the loss of a child. Dillion Naslund served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The depression and the demons from his days of combat followed him home.

Dillion battled with Post Traumatic Stress and tried to do it on his own. In December of 2012 his life ended in suicide.

Following this unimaginable loss, Jeff and Lisa connected with a couple in California that had suffered this same loss and it’s grief. And so Operation Engage America was born.

A very informative field of speakers were present to voice their support and recall experiences they have had with people suffering from PTS.

The keynote speaker was Lisa Naslund who enlightened the group gathered to the enormity of this growing problem. It is reported that 22 people PER DAY end their lives in suicide while suffering from PTS. For more information please go to:  The Iowa Elks Association donated $200 to Operation Engage America to help further their work in helping those that suffer from this problem.

Members from the Shenandoah Lodge joined others from the Iowa Elks Association in providing support and encouragement to those present. Members from Shenandoah Lodge that were present were State President Roger McQueen, our Esquire, State Sergeant at Arms Alan Armstrong, our Secretary and State Chaplain Robert Iske, our Chaplain.

Remember to always “Seize the Opportunities”


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