2015 Iowa Elks Association Lapel Pins
The 2015 Iowa Elks Association lapel pins are now available for order from 2015 State President Roger McQueen or thru any Lodge Officer or at the Lodge.
Price is $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00
Member Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks
The 2015 Iowa Elks Association lapel pins are now available for order from 2015 State President Roger McQueen or thru any Lodge Officer or at the Lodge.
Price is $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00
Shenandoah Elks Lodge recognized in the national magazine for their efforts to provide assistance to local Wounded Warriors.
See page #48 of the March 2015 edition for the recognition.
Congratulations Shenandoah Lodge for “Elks: Elevating America”
A list of our February Fund Raising Winners is in a scrolling News Ticker on the right side of our homepage! It will be updated throughout the month of February! Congratulations Winners! Thank you for your support!
Some great news from Grand Lodge – Read more about ENF and the new dollar amount for grants. Your lodge should not miss out on these opportunities!
I’m proud to announce that The Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 had another successful deer hide season. We have sent 132 deer hide to the state to help make wheel chair gloves to handicapped veterans across the Country. A special thanks goes to Charles Hall, Terry Miller, Vaughn Livingston, Roger McQueen and my wife Tammy for all the help transporting, cutting tails, and salting the deer hides.
With Appreciation
Matt Livingston
Esteemed Lecturing Knight
The Lodge has re-scheduled Initiation to include three new members at our regular Lodge meeting on Thursday March 5, 2015. This will be the last initiation for this current Lodge year. All members are encouraged to attend this event and your officers would appreciate the support.
There was a large turnout for the annual Shenandoah Elks Youth Wrestling. Members of our Shenandoah Elks Lodge once again escorted the tournament participants into the gymnasium to begin the competition. A BIG thank you to members, Charles Hall, Terry Miller, Doug McElroy, Tim Hogue, Dave Wiebold, Don Herdliska and Bob Iske for representing the Lodge. Supporting and encouraging our youth is a key mission of The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks! “Elks: Elevating America”
The Lodges annual comedy night was once again a resounding success! The entertainment was top notch and from the comments and reactions from the standing room only crowd, all in attendance enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all those who contributed to once again providing our Lodge and Community with a “Big City” event here in our corner of Iowa!
Iowa Elks Association President Dan Olson from Sioux City Lodge #112 and President Elect Roger McQueen from Shenandoah Lodge #1122 TRY and sing for the crowd!
The First Lady of the Iowa Elks Association, Darlene Olson from Sioux City Lodge #112 entertains the crowd!
Many others entertained the crowd with their special talents!