At the Elks National Convention held in Austin, Texas from June 28 to July 3, Roger McQueen, Past Iowa State President and Shenandoah, Iowa Lodge #1122 member, was appointed to the Grand Lodge Activities Committee. He will cover Area 5, which includes Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, for the committee. He will be the Coordinator for the Public Safety Medal of Valor and Medal of Service Awards programs. He will also be serving as Assistant Coordinator for the Scouting Program. Grand Exalted Ruler Douglas Schaefer officially made the appointment on Wednesday, July 3 in Austin.
Please congratulate and support the new Lodge officers for the 2023 ~ 2024 Lodge year!
Exalted Ruler Curtis OsbornFrom lower left: Tiler Junior Taylor, Trustee Kelly McQueen, Leading Knight Bruce Anderson, Exalted Ruler Curtis Osborn, Trustee Brent Anderson, Esquire Doug McElroy, Loyal Knight Randy Dailey. From upper left: Inner Guard Bob Smith, Chaplain Bob Iske, Secretary Alan Armstrong, Trustee Troy Nielson, Trustee Jeff Miller, Trustee Roger McQueen, Treasurer Matt Livingston, Esteemed Lecturing Knight Drew Nielson.New Officers and their installing PER officers.
From lower left: Junior Taylor, Bob Iske, Bruce Anderson, Gary Milstead, Kelly McQueen, Curtis Osborn, Brent Anderson, Jrff Miller, Drew Nielson, Randy Dailey. From upper left: Bill Greenleaf, Charles Hall, Ken Swank, Bob Smith, Shaun Jolly, Terry Miller, Matt Livingston, Troy Nielson, Doug McElroy, Alan Armstrong, Roger McQueen Kevin Tiemeyer.
Jeff Miller given a certificate to recognize his generous support of the Elks National Foundation. Jeff achived Permanent Benefactor status with his total of $2,000 in donations to date.
Thank You Jeff for your support of the ENF and your continued support of our Lodge as well!
Pictured from Left: Jeff Miller and local Lodge ENF Chairman Roger McQueen
Thank you to Everyone that came out to support the Elks National Foundation at the Shenandoah Elks Lodge Annual Rib Feed Friday night ! Thanks to Terry Miller, Tammy Livingston, Julie and Kelly McQueen,Sean Jolly for helping out .
We teamed up with the DEA and traveled to California to meet up with a group called SMOSH. As of today this young group of actors created, with the help of our friend Robert Sabouni who has been directly involved with the creation of all of our DAP Coloring books a video that is absolutely awesome.
Using his genius and the actors talents we produced a video that in a week has over 350,000 views and over 2,000 comments. That is a lot of people who are hearing good things about the Elks.
The Shenandoah Elks Lodge #1122 has a large accommodating facility, that can be utilized for any gathering! Click on the following link to view our amenities and for further information!